
Showing posts from September, 2024

Book Review: Dementia: Empowered Caregiving By Lorri A Harris

Book Review: The Self-Delusion Superpower: The Untapped Potency of Blind Faith by Theodore Francis

Book Review: The Mindful Body: Fitness Journal for Strength and Wellness by Natalie Beck

Four-Star Review of "Parenting ADHD Super Kids" by Casey Quinn

Book Review: A Straightforward Guide to Letting Go of Unresolved Trauma by Bob Beare, PhD

Book Review: 6 Pillars To Win With Your Money by Julian Brookson

Book Review: "Master The Art of Social Skills for Teens" by Jordan Masters

Book Review: "Thyroid Talk: An Integrative Guide to Optimal Thyroid Health" by Dr. Angela D. Mazza

Book Review: Mazy Green’s Breastfeeding: A Professional Woman’s Guide to a Happy and Fulfilling Motherhood

Book Review "Change Your Frequency, Change Your Destiny' by David Wong

Book Review: "Natural Beauty: Organic Skin Care for Busy Mums" by Alicia Dey

Book Review: S Corp Beginner’s Guide: How to Start, Manage, and Grow Your S Corp by Finance Knights Publications

Book Review: The Judgement-Free Potty Training Guide by Kay Cauler

Book Review: "Clean Sweep: Master the Magic of Decluttering for a Stress-Free Life" by Sophia Bennett

Book Review: "The DASH Diet Cookbook Beginners" by Joseph McGee

Book Review: "Dr. Sebi Herbal Bible" by Valeria-Cruz Mendez

Book Review: "Embracing Brilliance: A Simple ADHD Woman’s Guide by Elara Edwards

Book Review: "PrayerFULL 30 Day Devotional" by Marta Greenman and Maureen Maldonado

New Pregnancy Guide for Men Available on Amazon

Book Review: Beginner’s Guide to Raising ADHD Kids by Rubye Marshal

Book Review: Marlowe Stone’s The Ultimate ADHD Workbook for Cleaning and Organizing

Book Review: "Unified Hearts: Proven Strategies for Cultivating Lasting Marital Harmony in Blended Families" by Wanderlust Wren

Book Review for "Newborn Sleep Foundations: A Handy Guide for the First 16 Weeks" by Gemma Coe

A Book Review of "The Thrivers Guide to Co-Parenting With a Narcissist" by Isaac Sterling

Book Review: "Anger Management for Parents" by Adam Likha

Book Review for We’re Pregnant! The First Time Dad’s Pregnancy Handbook by Adrian Kulp